Present state of the spanish colonies : including a particular report of Hispañola or the Spanish part of Santo Domingo ; with a general survey of the settlements on the south continent of America, as relates to history, trade, population, customs, manners ; with a concise statement of the sentiments of the people on their relative situation to the mother country
CONTENTS OF VOL. 11. ' CHAPTER XV. ])ii�sion of Tenitory�EccJesiastical Govemment Revenues-Missionaries-Jesuits; their influence over the Indians-�y�ty of th� lndianí":.,.............. 1 CHAPTER XVI. How South America was first peopled-Traditions of the Indians respecting it-Their form of Govem ment-Ma1U1ers-Religion-Priests-Languages.. to CHAPTER XVII. Civilized Indians-Spanish mode of treating them- Their Police-Excmptions they enjoy .................... �O CHAPTER XVIII. Characteristic Sketches of theAmerican Spaniards.... 69 CHAPTER XIX. Climate of Spanisb America-Animal and Vegetable Kingdom .................................................................... 09 CHAPTER XX. Administration · of Justice-Council of the Indies, &c. ............................................................................ 11�
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