Tópicos de odontología integral II : atención odontológica para el adulto mayor

Coadyuvantes en prótesis removible 269 Foto 8. Tabletas de limpieza Bibliografia: The Influence of Plasticizer Loss on the Viscoelasticity of Temporary Soft Liners, Raed K. Aloul et al, Journal of Prosthodontics, vol 11, No 4 (December) , 2002: pp 254-262. Dynamic viscoelastic propieties of vinyl polysiloxane denture soft lining materials, Y. ABE et al, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2009 36 ;887-893. Dynamic viscoelastic properties of experimetal silicone soft lining materials, WallapatSAN- TAWISUK et al, Dental Materials Journal 2010; (29): 454-460. Dynamic Viscoelasticity os Soft Liners and Masticatiry Function, H. Murata et al, J DENT RES 2002 81:123 Finite element analysis of stress relaxation in soft denture liner, Y.Sato et al, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2000 27;660-663. Surface changes in denture soft liners with and without sealer coating following abrasión with mechanical brushing, Vivian C. Mainieri et al, Gerodontology 2011; 28: 146-151.