Patología traumática tobillo y pie - Medicina general

HENRIQUEZ H. – DIAZ C. 74 Complicaciones Mal unión No unión Síndrome compartimental Atrofia muscular Rigidez en caso de tratamiento ortopédico Dolor rodilla en clavos anterógrados Bibliografía 1. Schmidt AH, Finkemeier CG, Tornetta P 3rd. Treatment of closed tibial fractures. Instr Course Lect 2003; 52:607. 2. Duke Orthopaedics. Wheeless' Textbook of Orthopedics. 3. Tscherne H, Oestern HJ. [A new classification of soft-tissue damage in open and closed fractures (author’s transl)] [in German]. Unfallheilkunde. 1982;85:111–115