Silvicultura en Bosques Nativos vol. 1
219 Manejo de bosques de Nothofagus en Nueva Zelandia Smaill SJ, PWClinton, RBAllen, MRDavis. 2011. Climate cues and resources interact to determine seed production by a masting species. Journal of Ecology 99(3): 870-877. Smale MC, CD van Oeveren, CD Gleason, MO Kimberley. 1987. Dynamics of even-aged Nothofagus truncata and N. fusca stands in North Westland, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 17:12-28. Spence LA, IADickie, DACoomes. 2011.Arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculum potential: a mechanism promoting positive diversity–invasibility relationships in mountain beech forests in New Zealand? Mycorrhiza 21:309-314. Stewart GH,AB Rose. 1990. The significance of life-history strategies in the developmental history of mixed beech ( Nothofagus ) forests, New Zealand. Vegetatio 87:101-114. Stewart GH, AB Rose, TT Veblen. 1991. Forest development in canopy gaps in old-growth beech ( Nothofagus ) forests, New Zealand. Journal of Vegetation Science 2:679-690. Tabor J, C Mcelhinny, J Hickey, J Wood. 2007. Colonisation of clearfelled coupes by rainforest tree species from mature mixed forest edges, Tasmania, Australia. Forest Ecology and Management 240:13-23. TACCRA 2004. Regeneration and growth of silver beech in Southland forests. TACCRA Ltd Contract Report for the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. 26 p. Thorpe HC, SCThomas, JPCaspersen. 2008. Tree mortality following partial harvests is determined by skidding proximity. Ecological Applications 18(7):1652-1663. Veblen TT, RS Hill, J Reid. eds. 1996. The Ecology and Biogeography of Nothofagus Forests. New Haven, Connecticut. Yale University Press. 403 p. Wardle JA. 1983. An ecological basis for beech management in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Forestry 28(3):292-299. Wardle JA. 1984. The New Zealand Beeches. Christchurch, New Zealand. New Zealand Forest Service. 447 p. Wiser SK, RB Allen, PW Clinton, KH Platt. 1998. Community structure and forest invasion by an exotic herb over 23 years. Ecology 79:2071-2081. Wiser SK. 2000. Exotic plants in Nothofagus forests managed sustainably for timber production in NewZealand. In Stewart GH, UBenecke, J Hickey eds. Proceedings of a Symposium: Sustainable Management of Indigenous Forest. Christchurch, New Zealand. Wickliffe Press. p. 88-95. Wiser SK, RB Allen, U Benecke, G Baker, DA Peltzer. 2005. Tree growth and mortality after small-group harvesting in New Zealand old-growth Nothofagus forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 35:2323-2331. Wiser SK, G Baker, U Benecke. 2007. Regeneration of red and silver beech: How important is the size of harvested area? New Zealand Journal of Forestry 52:31-35. Wiser SK, JMHurst, EFWright, RBAllen. 2011. New Zealand’s forest and shrubland communities: a quantitative classification based on a nationally representative plot network. Applied Vegetation Science 14:505-523.
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