Silvicultura en Bosques Nativos vol. 1

218 Manejo de bosques de Nothofagus en Nueva Zelandia Hurst JM, SJ Richardson, SK Wiser, RB Allen. 2007. Growth, mortality and recruitment of New Zealand’s indigenous timber species. Landcare Research Contract Report for the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. 59 p. Hurst JM, RB Allen, DA Coomes, RP Duncan. 2011. Size-specific tree mortality varies with neighbourhood crowding and disturbance in amontane Nothofagus forest. PLOSOne 6(10): e26670. Hurst JM, GH Stewart, GLW Perry, SK Wiser, DA Norton. 2012. Determinants of tree mortality in mixed old-growth Nothofagus forest. Forest Ecology and Management 270:189-199. Kunstler G, RB Allen, DA Coomes, CD Canham, EF Wright. 2007. Long-term harvesting of podocarps. Landcare Research Contract Report for theMinistry ofAgriculture and Forestry. 29 p. Lindenmayer D, JF Franklin. eds. 2013. Sustainable management, earthquake disturbances, and transient dynamics: modelling timber harvesting impacts in mixed-species forests. Annals of Forest Science 70(3):287-298. Lindenmayer D, MMcCarthy. 2002. Congruence between natural and human forest disturbance: a case study fromAustralian montane ash forests. Forest Ecology and Management 155:319-335. Martínez-Pastur GJ, MV Lencinas, PL Peri, JM Cellini, A Moretto. 2010. Investigación sobre manejo forestal a largo plazo en Patagonia Sur - Argentina: Lecciones del pasado, desafíos del presente. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 83: 159-169. Mason EG. 2000. Evaluation of a model beech forest growing on the West Coast of the South Island of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Forestry 44:26-31. McGlone M, R Dungan, GMJ Hall, RB Allen. 2004. Winter leaf loss in the New Zealand woody flora. New Zealand Journal of Botany 42(1):1-19. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. 2009. Standards and Guidelines for the Sustainable Management of Indigenous Forests. Management (4th ed). Wellington, New Zealand. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. 219 p. O’Loughlin CL, AJ Pearce. 1976. Influence of cenozoic geology in mass movement and sediment yield response to forest removal, North Westland, New Zealand. Bulletin of the International Association of Engineering Geology 14:41-46. Platt KH, RBAllen, DACoomes, SKWiser. 2004. Mountain beech seedling responses to removal of below-ground competition and fertiliser addition. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 28:289-293. Promis A, G Cruz, A Reif, S Gartner. 2008. Nothofagus betuloides (Mirb.) Oerst 1871 (Fagales: Nothofagaceae) forests in Southern Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego. Anales Instituto Patagonia (Chile) 36:53-68. Puettmann KJ, KD Coates, CMessier. 2009. ACritique of Silviculture: Managing for Complexity. Washington DC, USA. Island Press. 206 p. Richardson SJ, JM Hurst, TAEasdale, SKWiser, AD Griffiths, RBAllen. 2011. Diameter growth rates of beech ( Nothofagus ) trees around New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Forestry 56:3-11. Roche M. 1990. History of New Zealand Forestry. Wellington, New Zealand. GP Print. 466 p. Searle G. 1975. Rush to Destruction: AnAppraisal of the New Zealand Beech Forest Controversy. Wellington, New Zealand. A.H. et A.W. Reed. 217 p. Sewell AC, D Evison, EGMason, TAEasdale. 2010. Economic returns from thinning silver beech in Alton Forest, Southland. School of Forerstry contract report for Landcare Research 22 p. Smaill SJ, PW Clinton, RB Allen. 2009. Inter-specific variation in foliar nutritional responses to disturbance by small-coupe harvesting varies with landscape position. Forest Ecology and Management 258:2382-2387.