Silvicultura en Bosques Nativos vol. 1
217 Manejo de bosques de Nothofagus en Nueva Zelandia Coomes DA, RBAllen. 2007a. Mortality and tree-size distributions in natural mixed-age forests. Journal of Ecology 95:27-40. Coomes DA, RB Allen. 2007b. Effects of size, competition and altitude on tree growth. Journal of Ecology 95:1084-1097. Coomes DA, G Kunstler, CD Canham, EFWright. 2009. Agreater range of shade-tolerance niches in nutrient-rich forests: an explanation for positive richness-productivity relationships? Journal of Ecology 97:705-717. Coomes DA, RJ Holdaway, RBAllen, RK Kobe, E Lines. 2012. A general integrative framework for modelling woody biomass production and carbon sequestration rates in forests. Journal of Ecology 100:42-64 . Dickie IA, SJ Richardson, SKWiser. 2009. Ectomycorrhizal fungal communities and soil chemistry in harvested and unharvested temperate Nothofagus rainforests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 39:1069-1079. Dyer JH, STGower, JAForrester, CG Lorimer, DJ Mladenoff, JI Burton. 2010. Effects of selective tree harvests on aboveground biomass and net primary productivity of a second-growth northern hardwood forest. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 40:2360-2369. Easdale TA, K Drew, D Henley, G Baker. 2010. Effects of thinning on growth of red beech and hard beech. Landcare Research Contract Report for Ministry ofAgriculture and Forestry. 24 p. Easdale TA, RBAllen, DAPeltzer, JMHurst. 2012. Size-dependent growth responses to competition and environment in Nothofagus menziesii. Forest Ecology and Management 270: 223–231. Efford M. 1999. Analysis of a model currently used for assessing sustainable yield in indigenous forests. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 2(29):175-184. Forsyth DM, JM Wilmshurst, RB Allen, DA Coomes. 2010. Have deer replaced moa? A review of the impacts of introduced deer on New Zealand ecosystems. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 34(1):48-65. Franklin DA, AE Beveridge. 1975. Forest management and research in indigenous production forests. New Zealand Journal of Forestry 20:63-71. Franklin DA, AE Beveridge. 1977. Notes on the silviculture of red and silver beech. In Chavasse CGR ed. New Zealand Institute of Foresters (Inc.) Forestry Handbook. Rotorua Printers. p. 130-135. Gea-Izquierdo G, G Martínez Pastur, JM Cellini, MV Lencinas. 2004. Forty years of silvicultural management in southern Nothofagus pumilio primary forests. Forest Ecology and Management 201:335-347. Gillman LN. 2008. Assessment of sustainable forest management in New Zealand indigenous forest. New Zealand Geographer 64:57-67. Jones TA, GM Domke, SC Thomas. 2009. Canopy tree growth responses following selection harvest in seven species varying in shade tolerance. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 39(2):430-440. Hart PBS, PW Clinton, RB Allen, AH Nordmeyer, G Evans. 2003. Biomass and macro-nutrients (above- and below-ground) in a New Zealand beech ( Nothofagus ) forest ecosystem: implications for carbon storage and sustainable forest management. Forest Ecology and Management 174:281-294. Hawes P, PAMemon. 1998. Prospects for sustainable management of indigenous forests on private land in New Zealand. Journal of Environmental Management 52(2):113-130.
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