An account of several late voyages and discoveries

A S U P P L E M E N T to Ct1pt. Wood's aud Marccn's North~Eajl f7o)'a:;cs. Co11t,ti11ing fome Obfc:r, 1 ,ztions aud Ntt1'ig,1tio11s ro thc North- Wc,fl of Gronebnd, mzc/ otbcr K ortban rJ?..egiom. CHE~ ~:r, mul othcr ljl.mds. º U R. Men conceivc Gremland to be broken Land, or a grcat . numbcr of Hlands at lea{t ,'\ortbun ' l/l,wd1. vcry ncar to onc anochcr. On the Wcfi lide thcy difcovcr'd as far as 82 dcg. thc mon Northcrly Point thcy call'cl l'oint PurclMs, therc thcy found vcry many Hlands, which thcy thought noc worrhy ro givc Namcs to, being cardul oniy ro takc notkc of thofe fix or cight H,ubours which wcrc commodi4 for lhtir lit{hing. ün thc EaH--fidt:, thcy wcnt no fanher tlrnn 78 de~. hccaufo the Dure/, d1Jturb'd rhcir Trading 0:1 tha.t Gdc. Thcrc are alfo ma nv Hlands, forr.e of which are nam'J; as 1-lr.pi :-Í/l~nd, d:tc:ovcr\l in 1613, which m.t v be thJt rhe 011tch t·an H 1 i/101,ghh/s, !fland, or 'j,:;/m 11l~_Ye,t's- I-1,trf/l•>:d, I{!wd, though it corn.:lponó •:.cll :-o 11,:ithc r ; but r.l.cher to 1.h,_: h~tcr. !t belo1,gcth fü