An account of several late voyages and discoveries

e 1-1 A P. v11.· Of the \X-'ha!e. ,-rHE Fi{h propcrly callcd thc Jf/f.Ja!P, for whofo fakc our Ships chicfJy umlcnakc the Voyagc to Spil:::.bPrfe»., i!, difforinP' lrom other ff//udes in his Fin ns and A1outh, ~hich is wichout Tccth, but inllcad thereoflong, black fomewhat· broad, <1ncl horny Flakcs, ali Pº.-.,J like Hairs: he diffcrs from the Finn-fi!h i1this Finns, for thc Finn-fifh hath a g1·ea t Fimi on his Bacl~ 1 but thc \Vhalc, properly fo call~d hath oonc on his Bdck; and thcrc iS two Fu1~ bcfünd his Eyes of a bigncfa proponion,1blcco thc \V hale, covered with a thick black Sl::in, dclic::in:ly m arbied wich whitc Strokc':i, oras vou fec in .l\,tarble, Trcec;, Houfcs, or thr.! l:!;e Íhings rc¡,rcfentccl. In thc ·rail c,f om. úf che Fifh~s was marbkd vcry dclicate1y this numbtr 1 -;:·.?·~ vcry cven and cxau:, as if thcy hac\ bm: pa:~tecl upon it on purpofo. Thi, marbhng on thc \Vh~tlc h likc V ~tns in a pi:!et; of Worn.J. t!m run frrcigh~ lhrough, or c!fo round abo!.l:: t_!:. C\:ntcr or p1t.h of a Tr~c ; am] fo go borh wh:~t ~ r.d ycUow fhokcs, rh:-ough thc thid{ anrl tl~c thin ítrokcs, time is likc Parch1:1~n:: J~ Vcilo~n, an<l givc to thc Wh:ilc an i:1:omµc1 hle Beauty and Ornamcnt. '\Vhcn tl?\ ~:/' ;.re cut up, ,·ou find undcrneath the t:!K!·; ~ '..\a :Uom.:s that' look 1ikc unto a ..:Vtm..-; 1-i,:::d _; \1 !;... ~