An account of several late voyages and discoveries

to Spiczbergcn. J 19 Sorne of botl1 thcfe forts 1 eoc on the fifrh of julJ, beforc the 11,re,hegat, wllcrc a \Vhalc madc is cfoapc from us, bt:caulc rhe Linc whcreuu– o che Harpoon was fa1h:11'd was cnr,mgkd bour a Rock: On this thcy hung, and 10 I ot them alivc. C ll A P. VI. Eforc I cometo trcat ofrhe 'U-'hale, I think it convenienr to fay fomcthing of fome mu'd FiJbcs, which í mct wirhal in rny V ()y– e to Spitzbergen, fome whercof are propaga– cd by che füooting of chcir Row, and oclu:rs ear and bring forth young oncs alive. I \V ill begin with thc firlt kind, whcrcof the rff that l mee withal was lht: Fifh thac wc ,ali atare/, I. Of the Macarel. This Fifh is likc unto a J-[/;·rin .. 1, fo his .fhape, t harh on h~s .Badc a largc Finn, and fome har below ic a \'Cf}' fmall om:. Then lower re is another grt:atcr and broadcr one, bue tfohíghasthc uppermoll: Undearncarh this efivc Ímall ones, ehat are a II of che f.11111:: big– ls, and at an cqual di1b11cc om: lrom ano~ r. Very nea1· co the Tail th~rc is anothcr s onc; fo that cm the whole .Back therc is o grcat oncs, and 1even licdc: ones, Near to tht: <itlls i$ a Jljnn on cach fidc: Undc;r... K nc:alb