An account of several late voyages and discoveries

to Spitzbcrg<:n~ 1 2 1 oí Sea-borfú, they vcmur'd upon thcm coura– gioul1y with cutting, ~riking, pufüing, and fllooting, fo that Lhcy k1llcd a very grcat many of tbcm; but· wbcn thcy faw that tlill more and more of chcm got together, thcy l.iid thc dcad Sea.hCJrf'i:s round about thcm, and ílood in thc middle of thcm, as in a Caílic, lcaving a phce open w hcrc -thc othcrs might come in ro thcm, as through a Gatc; and after this mannel' chcy havc killcd fcveral hundrcds of thcm~ and madcagood Voyagcof it; fol' fomeYcars ago thcir Tccth havc bccn in greatcr eflcem than now. Thc Figmc of chis Bea{t you may fec io thc Tab. P. markcd with b. CH A P. V. I Foumt two forts of thcm, vi::,. Cra,vfifh aml St;zrfifb; ofthe Cr.i1J!ftlb I fa \V four forts, thc ·':t~.i-Jpider, as tbe Fn11chmcn can them, thc recl Pra~n, thc: ftn•ll PrA11111, or the litde fmaU Sbrimp. a.nd thelf 1 /;a/e'.r L,Jti/t. Thc Star/ifb I puc to them alfo, becaufc they ha1.e tht::ir Arms or Lcgs, wherewith they mov,;; :hcmfi:lves, aud are incrufiratcd with ShcHs. T