An account of several late voyages and discoveries

68 The Third P art of tlJe Yoy11ge , The R.oot fueweth of what kind the Plam is , and wherefore it may be called Biflorta or Snal{_e-r,,eed, for it Heth twifie<l in tht- Ground it is about the thicknefs of your littl c finge; where tbickeft , hath fm31l Fibers , is brown wichout, and Fle{h.coloured within, andoí an afiringem Tafie. 1 fonnd this Herb in the D411ifh H11rho11r , oo the 18th. of J:11J. My Figure agrees mofi with that which Ca111er11ri11~ hath giv~n in thc Fourth Book and Third Chapter of ,Uauhio/111, is markcd with a in the T ab. /. C H A P. VIII. Of an flerb li4e Hnto Moufe-ear. T His Herb bringeth forth fmooth ed~ea I,c.1 ves by pares , they are rough :1 nd mi Moufe-ear. The Stalks are fmooth at their firil p11tti~! out , but afterwards they gr.ow rough , where the uppermoC\ Leavcs gcow , they are roundilli at the bottom. At the end of the Stalk groweth a whit: Flower , out of its Pcrianthi11m, the rn1mcer oí its Lea.ves I diJ not tell nor had I time ' . enough to ob[en:e the Seed. The lloot .li round :md íknder, with fmall and cencer h bers. ![