An account of several late voyages and discoveries

to Spitzbergen. 61 ¡ know not well, to what kind tbis may be rred. (afpar Ba11hi11 maketh mention of an rb in his Prodrom111 of bis A111phi1heater of nts in the Sth. Book and 15th.Chapter, w hich calls Li111onÍll111 klaritinmm, which he defcri– withJmall, roundiíh and thick Leaves, like fe-Ieek, between w~ich fpread forth fmall lks with pale red Flowers ; but the R.oot rh not agree with our Plant, for bis is long, and paned at top, whereas this Root con,– s in many ímall fibers, and is not red. C H A P. 111. Off m4/J HoHJ~-lee~. HE Lea ves of this are indented and very líke rhofe ofour Daíies, forwhich I fhould etaken it alfo, had it not been for the Flow– only the Leaves are thicker and more juicy, thofe of Houíe-Ieek, or, as we call it, thofe the leífer Houfe-leek : The Leaves grow nd about the Root, betwixt them is a fmaU lk of the Jength of your little Finger, which round and h~iry, and generally without ves, fave only where it divides into anorher k, at which place is a fmall Leaf. he Flowers grow in fcaley Heads ( like umo flowers of Sta:r:h,u ) are of a brown co– r, and have fü·e pointed Leaves, as I think with