An account of several late voyages and discoveries

'f HE FIRST .PAR T OF T HE OYAGE 1 N T :o Spitzhergen and Greenlaná: CONTAINING Paífages of the whole Voyage, together with fome Account of the Weatlier, from the 15thof Aprii to the 21ft of .Au!:!ifl, .;fnno 167r. CH A P. J. the Y oyage [ro~ the ~Elbe ·to_ Spitzbergen. . E fet Sail the 1,thof April, 1671." abottt noon froril the E/he. The Wind was North-eafi. At night, en W(: carne by the Hilge-l~ná, it bore ro rth-weíl'. Tbe name of rhe Ship was jo11111 thc Wh11le, l'eter Peterfan of FriJelawr.l Mafter. B Thc