An account of several late voyages and discoveries

Nr;w I intend to give a brief Defcription ~f the Land, and the Obfervation.r I ma:ie there. N Ova.Zemhla. is fo caUed by the "R:uffimir~ wh1ch figmfieth New Land 111 their Language ; to provc it_ is eithc-r au Iíland, or whether it joyneth to thc Continc:m ?f Tar~aria, would be a very hard :rask, nor is tt ccrtamly known to :iny; for by Ctrcum{bnccs I think it impoffibk to prove, an~ by Expcrience thc Scarch thcrcof is [o impoffible, that it will }iardly be tricd. Bnt let it be cither., 1 think thc matter is not much, fincc ic is the mofr miferablc Cquntry that lyeth on :he Foundation of thc Earth; a Coun- 1ry moíl: Part of it covercd perpemally with Snow, and that that is barc is not to be walked on, bc– i~g likc Bogs> .upon whofc Superficies grows a kmd of MoCs, which beareth a fmall bluc and ·ycllow Flowcr; and this is all che Produét of the Earth of this Cmmtry. Undcr thc Superfici::s 9f Earth, about cwo Foot decp, after we had ~ug fo 10\V, wc c::tmc to a firm Body of Ice; which, as I think, was never heard of bcforc; fo 1hcfc Mcn that did imagin, if they werc forced fo winter to thc Northward, would dig Caves in fhc Earth to prcfcrvc thcmfclv~s from coid, would