An account of several late voyages and discoveries

of a North-Eaft P af{age. 1 5 ¡ 1ournal, In His .A.fajefty's Ship th~ Speed– well, Captain John Y.'ood Commander, ~of,!11d for the Difco-very of a Paffe~e to the Eaft~Indies, by the North-Eaft: Sailing ábout Npva Zembla, and Tartary, and Japan. 1 (:,76. · S ., Und,iy, May 2 8. thc ,vind :it S. W; Sailcd from thc Buoy of thc Norc,. in Co111pany of thc Profpcroru, Captain F1awCJ Comman~ J~r, bdng bound upon thc Difcovcry with us. At Eight ar ~ight thc !Vfzzc I.and borc \Vcft I-?. Nor;h about fix Lcagucs, wc íkcrcd aw:i.y N. E. and N. N. E. · Mo11dtt_y, May 29. The \Vind at S. W. and V. S. W. a frdh Gale with Showcrs of Rain, ourfe per Compafs bctwccn thc N. E. and che . di{bnce failcd by the Log 73 Mik:1, tru~ ourfc protralkd fince l;ifl: Night Eight a Clock this D.iy Noon, is North 2 8 d. Ealt diffcrcnc~ fLat. 68 Miles, and dcpartnrc ~ft fr~m thc ~1Ze Land 3 6 Miles ; Lu:. by Judgn~cnt, as i~ e Margent. Thick ~loudy Weatl~cr. ríre_{day, M1,y 3 o. From Yeíl:en;iay Noon to is Day Noo~, the W ind variable from S. W:, che S. E. thick cl~udy \Velther.. and a frefii· rl!:II · le. Courfe per Compafs N. N. W. and N. W. N. diflance faikd by che Log 9 5 Miles, tn1e urfc is N. 28 d. \Vdl, dillan~~ of· Lar. 83 · tv~ile~,