An account of several late voyages and discoveries

----------------- ARelation o(a Vtryage fór the Dift<>very ~fa Paf{age by the Nortb,Eajl, to Japan and China; Perfarm'd in his Majefty'r Shi[> the Speedwel, and Profperous Pink,. Anno Domini 1676. Where u /htw'd tbe Reafon.r and Grounds of the Probability of a Pajfage hefore tbe Attempt, with fome gcod Obfervations made in the faid VtD1age, óy CaptiJin J ohn Wood. r o write a foll Rcfatíon of aII thofc. Navigators that havc attcmptcd to find a P~ífage by thc N. E. ro China. and Jrtpan,will be nccd1cfs, íince thdr 'mativcs have pafs'd moíl: Hands, thcy bcing rcorded in Hackluit and P1.trchafa ; but my In– nt is, to fücw whcrcin thofc foil'd that havc ormcrly undcrt..tkl.'.n ir, and thcn to fhcw the robable Rc:afons that induc'd me to und<.:rtakc: hefaid Voylgc, with thc Event thcr~ot: Thc firft lhat cvcr attcmptcd thc faid Voyag'"; .1s Sir Hug.~, ¡,:¡Tillou_gh!Jy in thc Y car 1 5 5' 3, with m:c Sail of Ships, and he fail'd to tl1l: North 1pc of Fh.m,trke, .md thcn into thc Lat. of 7 2, :1ere he fays he faw Lmd; bm to this day ii:_ nnot be fr i.~nd ag , and I am of Opinio11 at it was fome fog 1.l1lt he faw ; for in my