An account of several late voyages and discoveries

ARelation ofa Poyage made towards the South Terra Incognita ; eztraéled from the Jour– nal of Captain Abel Janfen Tafrnan, lry which n~t on(y a new P ajfage by Sea to the Southward of Nova Hollandia, Vande... mens Land, &c. is difc()'t}ered, anda v~Jf [pace cf Land and Sea Ír'lcompaffed ancl foil– d. round, but many confiderable and inflru.– { Obfar·ttation.r concerning the Variation of the Magnetical Needle in Part.r °[ the World almoft Antipodes to us; and ; everal other curious Remarks, concerning tho{e Places and People, are [et forth. Not long fince publi/hed in the Low Dutch by Dirk Rembrant1e, and now in Engliili from Dr. Hook's Collellions. N thc Y car i 641. Aug. 14. He fet Sail witli two Ships from Bata·-via, to wit, the Yacht Heemrkirk, and thc Fly-boat Seahaen i and the 5 th. .of Septémber came to an Anchor the IílanJ MAuritim 2 o d. Scuth Latitude, and 3 d. 48 111. Longit. Thcy found this Ifland 5o :1tch Miles more Eaíkrly than by thcir reckon– ·~, which makc 3 d. 3 3 m. o~ L~ngitude. Thc 1' 8th.